The European languages fall into three phyla of the Indo European family, namely Romance, Slavic and Germanic which are based on the geographical location of the native speakers in which they reside. While the north and west of Europe are in Germanic domain, the south and west are in the Romance division and the east is in the Slavic category. The Smaller phyla of Indo-European found in Europe include Hellenic (Greek, c. 13 million), Baltic (c. 7 million), Albanian (c. 5 million), Indo-Aryan (Romani, c. 1.5 million), and Celtic (c. 1 million).
As of the present times, there are 24 official languages in Europe, and around 200 other smaller languages spoken over districts that span not more than 200 kilometers.
For exquisite translation to and from and within the European languages, you can contact us at Chennai, and we promise a timely, fast and reliable translation, which will get you by more sales and influence in the European blocs.